The Benefits of Brewing with a Chemex
If you like your coffee clean and pure, the Chemex brewing method is for you!
The Chemex Coffeemaker was created in 1941 by Peter Schlumbohm. The shape was inspired by an Erlenmeyer flask using non-porous glass (plastic equivalents develop cracks and fissures over time which can house mineral deposits affecting the overall flavor). Also assisting the clean taste is the Chemex filter which is 30% thicker than traditional filters. The heavy filter eliminates unwanted fats or oils, resulting in a clean, pure, flavorful cup of coffee without bitterness or sediment.
Chemex Coffeemakers and filters are available to purchase in one of our cafés or online.
So why would you brew with a Chemex as opposed to our other methods? We put this list together to give you a better idea of the nuances of different brewing methods.
Brewed Coffee
Coffee is medium ground and brewed using an automatic drip process. This is the process most people use on a daily basis. Because our coffee is fresh and locally roasted, it is rich and aromatic with distinct, well-developed characteristics.
French Press or Press Pot
Coffee is coarsely ground and placed right in the pot, hot water is added. Filtration occurs after a 4-8 minute steep when a filter, often made of mesh wire, is pressed down over the coffee. This coffee is not for the faint of heart! Intensely flavored, press pot coffee is thick, muddy, heavy-bodied, rich and acidic.
Super finely ground coffee is brewed under extreme pressure in an espresso machine, then hot water is added to fill the cup. This is a great option for fans of dark roasts. Americanos display great depth and exceptional smoothness.
Iced Coffee
Brewed using a traditional drip method and then allowed to cool. Typically mild, full flavored, and great for a hot day. To prevent this coffee from getting watered down try it with coffee cubes! You can make them at home by freezing coffee in traditional ice cube trays.
Cold Brew
Coarse ground coffee is placed in a special filter and steeped in a vessel of cool water in a refrigerator for 12-18 hours. Once the coffee grounds are removed, enjoy a strong, smooth cup of cold coffee with about three times the caffeine of a traditional cup of coffee! Learn more here.
Coffee is ground medium-fine and drips slowly through a dense paper filter. This is also a pour-over method of brewing coffee. Perfect for bringing out the complexities of lighter roasted, more nuanced coffees, the Chemex creates an infinitely smooth cup.
1. Using a Chemex paper filter, unfold the filter in the shape of a cone, with three of the layers on the spout side of the Chemex.
2. Rinse your filter with hot water. This helps to remove the paper taste and preheat your brewing vessel. Empty the water from the Chemex.
3. Measure 28 grams of whole bean coffee and grind to a medium-fine setting. The grounds should look similar to the size of sand.
4. Pour the ground coffee into your filter, ensuring a level bed of grounds.
5. Place the Chemex on a gram scale and zero out the scale.
6. Start a timer and begin pouring 100 grams of 200 degree water in a circular motion, from the center outwards, until the grounds are completely saturated.
- This stage should take roughly 15 seconds.
- Avoid pouring where the coffee grounds meet the filter.
- Wait 30-45 seconds to allow coffee to bloom—a brief moment where the grounds bubble, releasing carbon dioxide from the fresh ground coffee.
7. Pour water in increments of 100 grams until the scale reaches 415 grams.
- Entire process should take 3-5 minutes.
- Slow enough so the water falls straight down, but fast enough so the stream does not break.
- Use a spiral pattern, from the center out.
- Try to pour on dark spots, and avoid light spots.
- Never allow water level to reach within a 1/4 inch of rim.